Some of the queries did link straight to posts I could identify. A lot of people seem to be searching for the book Curious Incidents in the Garden at Night-Time
Not surprisingly, given the time of year, a lot of people are currently searching for Christmas Quiz, and ending up at the quiz I did last year. I was slightly puzzled by the person who wanted a Christmas Quiz for Older People. Since then I've been racking my brains to try and think of suitable Christmas questions for the over fifties. What's the worst weather for Father Christmas' arthritis? perhaps. Rain, dear. ... And talking of Christmas Quizzes, I've decided that the Balcony Garden Christmas Quiz should become a tradition, so watch this space. But don't think you're going to get away with the easy-peasey questions we had last year. I've got some goodies up my sleeve for this one ...
Back to the search engines. Without doubt the best query of all was from someone who wanted Sex in the beatiful grden (sic). Whaat? if you tried having sex on my balcony you'd find yourself performing to an audience of the three hundred or so people who live in the block directly opposite. I puzzled about this one for a bit - but yes, I then realised I had written about sex. I wonder if the person who googled was really interested in the mating habits of the leopard slug ...
hee-hee, ho ho! (I'd say I LOLed all over the place but I don't usually say LOL if I can at all help it) May I pass your old folks joke along to the geezer in my family? He'll immediately want to claim it for his very own...
It's all his, Kris. Saves me the embarassment of having to admit to inventing it ... :)
Apparently a lot of people suffer from some serious thumb injuries.
I hope the people who search looking for why their thumb is turning green go to a hospital.
Hah - It seems a common thread among Google searcher is sex, sex, sex. There, said it. You'll get TONS of traffic now!
--Robin (Bumblebee)
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