I've been planting my veg. The beans are zooming through, and the zucchini too. The Jerusalem artichokes are doubling in size every day it seems, and the tomatoes are almost ready to be transferred to bigger pots. But it seems I may get more of them than I bargained for. Because I've been planting lettuce too. Here's the seed packet...

And here's the back of the packet - as you can see, it says lattuga - that's Italian for lettuce. And there's a handy cultivation guide. It tells me where and how to sow, whether I should thin out, and so on.

And finally it tells me when I can expect to harvest. And what.

Tomatoes it seems. Strange stuff, Italian lettuce.
They must have placed the wrong backing on the package.
That's funny. So what grows from Italian tomato seeds?
How funny! It must be one of those strange two in one plants like the trees that have apples and pears!
I have an Irish friend who lives in Milan and is getting interested in gardening - I might point her to your blog if you dont mind.
Whoa! That's really strange. How come someone could make such mistake? Or may be it's a combination of lettuce and 'matoes? Now, how cool would that be!
What a riot! I had planned to sow some lettuce seeds this weekend but seeing the weather forecast...perhaps not. The first thing we need to do is set out slug bait/traps (I do the beer trick) because I saw quite a few this morning!
Re: the hail damage. I do have more seeds, but what really irked me was the mint! Not a blemished leaf in sight and appeared as if nothing had happened last night!!
a-ha ha. he he. fun confusion :-)
Thats funny!!!! Some people may not have ever noticed that!
I hope the cost of lettuce seeds is higher than tomato, and they gave you lettuce at the price of tomatoes!
Hi I can't see any tomatoes coming on my lettuce! Mind you the lettuce aren't doing very well anyway perhaps I should check my tomatoes for lettuce as the tomatoes are doing well!
Thanks fo looking at my blog on Blotanical
This? Made my morning. Thanks, Sue, I laughed right out loud. Good thing I wasn't drinking coffee at the same time.
Oh where can I get me some of that magical Italian lettuce? I want!
Guess that gives lettuce bolting a new meaning. Wonder what you'd harvest from eggplant.
That is priceless! Thanks for the good laugh.
Pretty sure that's just a standard picture indicative of "harvest". One brand of seeds I buy here in Germany always shows a basket to indicate it, another brands shows a hand plucking a tomato like this, no matter what's in the package.:-)
-random visitor on the look-out for balcony gardening blogs (focus on edibles, though)
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