Slow down
Estamos na última semana do verão e por aqui o tempo continua bem bom.
Claro que não está mais tanto calor como em Agosto, mas ainda consigo andar
de cam...
3 years ago
I am a
What Flower
Are You?
I trusted you... Beautiful. Moving. Extraordinary.
Just watched it 3 times back to back - had to show it to other family members too.
Wow, that was an amazing clip. It's funny how amazing our world is but how little we really get out and appreciate it. We get so caught up in our virtual world, we forget how amazing the real world is. I think I'm going to go take a nature hike tomorrow.
Moved me to tears...we just don't think about how our everyday lives impact this precious place we inhabit for such a short while.......
Thanks for this link. Still weeping at how beautiful our spaceship is.
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